Help for Eastern Washingtonians

Join the Eastern Washington Helpline team or request help.

Contact the helpline to:

  1. Request help. See categories below.
  2. Volunteer staff (admin, phone, email).
  3. Category experience? Can you help others


Submit Comment or Request


Government Questions

Contact us with questions on local government operations and how to get involved.

Election Fraud

If you see it, say something. Contact us to report election fraud or suspicious activity.

Corruption Hotline

Are you witnessing or aware of government corruption? Contact us with the story.


Eastern Washington’s biggest industry touches nearly all the citizens in one way or another. We must protect our Ag families & businesses while supporting each other.


Members of our American veteran community are part of our legacy of freedom & liberty. How can we help you as a veteran?


Need tax advice? Let us connect you with a professional who can help you navigate confusing tax laws or options.

Whistleblower support

Have you witnessed illegal activity? Report your story safely! We have experience and contacts to highlight the story or to initiate investigations.

Guns & Crime

“Shall not be infringed” seems very clear but, evidently, it can be ambiguous. Shoot your questions or concerns about 2A or anything crime related.

Domestic Violence

At times, everyone needs help, guidance, or protection. Let us help get you on the right path with marriage guidance we all need, ensuring you are safe and understanding your legal options.

Pregnancy Services

Unplanned pregnancy or other related problems? Let us connect you with a pregnancy center and other support systems.

Kids, Schools, CRT, School Boards, and, Sexual Indoctrination

Is your school district supporting racist, sexual and age-inappropriate material and/or gender fallacies in their curriculum? Contact us to get connected with people who can help.

Home Schooling

Tired of sending your kids to the public school indoctrination centers? Thinking about homeschooling but not sure where to start? Let us know. We can help.

Local Issues

If you see something, say something. Or, if you need guidance on how to deal with local issues, let us know. We can help!

Medical Freedom

Need support and advice on how to stand up for medical freedom? Contact us here.


Looking for non-government healthcare solutions? Contact us.

Mental Health

Connect with local pastors, counselors, and caring psychiatrists to get free. This is something we are truly all in together so please message us and let us help.


It is not a mystery that having a little beans & rice tucked away is a good thing. But, it doesn’t stop there. We will always be better off being prepared to help others rather than being in need especially during a time of struggle.


Feeling like you need to grow in your relationship with God? We can get you pointed on the right track and connected with faith-filled people close to you.

Adult Education

Looking to climb the ladder by increasing your education level? We can provide tips, contacts, suggestions, and guidance on the various options to advancing your education and figuring out how to pay for it.


Additional questions, comments, requests, volunteers, etc.